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What type of Internet traffic does the FireWall service block?
By default, the FireWall will block all incoming traffic that originates from the Internet. All traffic that originates from your network is allowed automatically out to the Internet, except for special expectations blocked according to your FireWall's Security Policy.
Which ports are blocked by the default Security Policy?
The Security Policy automatically blocks outgoing traffic for the following services (and ports):
- Windows NetBIOS (TCP 135-139, 445)
- SMTP/Simple Mail Transport Protocol (TCP 25)
Can I make changes to which ports are being blocked or allowed by my FireWall’s Security Policy?
Currently, changes can only be made by contacting NuVox Customer Care at (800) 600-5050. In the near future, you will be able to make your own changes through your web portal page at
If SMTP is blocked, would this prevent my internal mail server from working?
Yes. If you do have an internal mail server, SMTP (Port TCP 25), should be opened for your mail server to work correctly.
Where can I view my FireWall activity reports?
You can view reports on your FireWall's activity at any time through your web portal page at You can report on activity for the following time frames:
- Last 7 Days
- Last 30 Days
- Last Calendar Month
What are ‘Basic Reports’?
‘Basic Reports’ are automatically provided for all of your FireWall service customers and may be viewed through your web portal page. Basic report features include the ability to view your total bandwidth usage, as well as several “Top 10” lists such as:
- Top 10 Mail Servers (top mail servers your company is interacting with)
- Top 10 Websites (top websites visited by your company)
- Top 10 Users (top users by amount of Internet data transferred)
- Top 10 Users Destinations (top Internet destinations for the top users)
What are the differences between ‘Basic Reports’ and ‘Enhanced Reports’?
‘Enhanced Reports’ are sets of additional reports that customers with advanced services such as Content Filtering and Intrusion Detection are able to use.
If you would like to take advantage of any of the Enhanced Reporting features, please contact your Sales Representative.
Where can I see the current activity passing through my FireWall?
At this time, the data available for viewing is presented through the Basic and Enhanced Reports made available through your customer web portal page. Detailed information on your network activity can be obtained by contacting the NuVox Customer Care at (800) 600-5050.
Where can I find a complete list of the various website categories that I can choose to block using our Content Filtering feature?
A complete list of the Content Filtering categories should be available soon on your customer portal page at
I need to block a site that is currently allowed. How can I do this?
Currently, if you would like to block a site that is allowed for your company, contact the NuVox Customer Care at (800) 600-5050. The ability for you to make changes to the service will be available in a future release of the FireWall service.
Is it possible to block a site for some employees and allow it for others?
At this time, the Content Filtering feature uses a single "global" policy that applies to all employees equally. The ability to create different sets of polices for internal users will be available in a future release.
Can the Content Filtering features inter-operate with our internal Active Directory infrastructure?
At this time, Active Directory interoperability is not supported by the Content Filtering feature.
What kind of Intrusion Detection/Intrusion Prevention capabilities does the FireWall service have?
By default, the FireWall examines the following types of traffic for malicious traffic to filter:
- SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol)
- ESMTP (Extended Simple Mail Transport Protocol)
- FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
- HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
- ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
- SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)
- RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol)
- H323 (for Audio\Video streams)
In addition to the above protocols, the FireWall examines “fragmented” packets for malicious activity. Hackers may attempt to break larger network frames into smaller ones in an attempt to bypass most security mechanisms.
Advanced Intrusion Detection/Intrusion Prevention capabilities will be available in a future release of the FireWall service. These advanced services will utilize one of today’s leading providers of Intrusion Detection software.
Does the FireWall provide VPN capabilities to allow me to access my internal network from over the Internet?
At this time, the FireWall does not provide VPN capabilities by itself, though it can be configured to allow VPN connections to be made to any internal VPN server you might have on your network.
A future release of the FireWall service should include the capability to act as an independent VPN server for your network.
Can I configure a DMZ for my network using the FireWall?
At this time, DMZ capabilities are not available using the NuVox FireWall service. This feature should be available in the near future.
Does the FireWall service offer any type of anti-virus capabilities?
The FireWall service does not currently offer anti-virus capabilities. These features should be available in a future release.
Who can I call if I have any other questions on my FireWall service?
For any questions on your FireWall service, contact the NuVox Customer Care at (800) 600-5050.
Are there any fees or charges associated with calling in for Customer Support?
While there are no charges for questions on the FireWall product, changes to the service made by NuVox can incur a charge. A non-recurring charge (NRC) of $25.00 is applied to your account if NuVox assists you in making a change to the FireWall service which is also available through your customer web portal. All other changes to the service will cost $15.00 for each change.