You may already back up data to your server, but what happens if that server fails? According to the National Archives and Records Administration, 93% of businesses that lose their data ultimately file for bankruptcy. The statistic is alarming, but losing data is preventable.
NuVox DataStore, based on sophisticated software, backs up your server data on your schedule – daily, weekly, or even multiple times per day. A software agent is provisioned by our security experts, loaded onto your server, and backups are scheduled for automation—based on your business needs.
What is unique about DataStore for servers?
Not only is DataStorePC cost-effective, it also offers ease of recovery. Every disaster-readiness plan is only as good as the plan to restore data—even the data on your workstation. The flexibility of this redundant storage allows you to safely access your data in any internet-accessible environment so that your critical files are only a few clicks of the mouse away.
How does DataStore fit into your Disaster Recovery Plan?
While securing the data on your server, NuVox knows that's only part of a total solution. Most businesses have critical information right on individual workstations. With DataStore and DataStorePC, you can ensure your data is protected.