1. Why am I receiving this notice?
Due to changes in FCC requirements, if your account is serviced by a NuVox dealer (third Party), we must have your approval, i.e. Opt-In, before the dealer is allowed to access your CPNI. NuVox has a responsibility to protect your CPNI, and has agreements with its dealers to keep your customer information confidential. By giving your approval you are insuring the best possible account support your NuVox team can provide.
What is considered customer proprietary network information (“CPNI”)?
CPNI is information that relates to the quantity, technical configurations, type, destination, location, and amount of use of a telecommunications service subscribed to by any customer of a telecommunications carrier, and that is made available to the carrier by the customer solely by virtue of the relationship. Example, CPNI is data that is not publicly available and includes information available from details on your monthly bill including calling patterns, types of lines, and long distance and local service billing records. CPNI does not include directory information such as name, address or telephone number.
3. What happens if I give consent?
We consider your NuVox dealer to be an integral partner in helping ensure your telecommunications services are tailored to your specific needs. For that reason, we have typically made certain of your CPNI available to your dealer to allow him or her to ensure you are subscribed to those services that best suit your needs. If you give your consent by signing and returning the form, we will be able to continue to share this information with your NuVox dealer in this manner. Additionally, your consent will allows any NuVox employees you speak to review all your service information to suggest new or different services that might be of interest to you.
4. Are you going to share my information with anyone other than my dealer and your employees?
No. The form we have sent you only asks you to give your consent for NuVox employees and your dealer to review your CPNI for the sole purpose of selling and marketing our products and services. All NuVox are bound by non-disclosure agreements, meaning they may not share or sell your CPNI to anyone. NuVox has a duty to protect your CPNI and will not share your CPNI with others.